General Information Resources
Links to resource guides, information services, and other health related organization websites.
(NHeLP)’s Doula Medicaid Project
(NHeLP)’s Doula Medicaid Project(NHeLP)’s Doula Medicaid Project |
7.4.8 NMAC
7.4.8 NMAC7.4.8 NMAC |
Baby’s First Wish Parenting Newsletter
Baby’s First Wish Parenting NewsletterThis page on the New Mexico State University website offers links to parenting newsletters for month 1-12. |
Build Initiative
Build InitiativeThe Early Childhood Funders Collaborative created the BUILD Initiative over a decade ago as a catalyst for change and a national resource on early childhood development and policy. Today, BUILD Initiative states are leaders in a vibrant national movement to create state-based comprehensive systems, which provide all young children with access to early learning that results in school readiness. |
CDC Learn the Signs. Act Early
CDC Learn the Signs. Act EarlyFrom birth to 5 years, your child should reach milestones in how he plays, learns, speaks, acts and moves. Track your child’s development and act early if you have a concern. |
Center for Emotional Foundations for Early Learning
Center for Emotional Foundations for Early LearningThe Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations is a national resource center funded by the Office of Head Start and Child Care Bureau for disseminating research and evidence-based practices to early childhood programs across the country. |
Cooperative Extension, Parenting
Cooperative Extension, ParentingThis is an outreach innovation that brings quality, research-based information to families at the time it can be most useful and make the biggest difference in their lives. Over the past 25 years, Cooperative Extension faculty in land-grant universities have developed and evaluated an unusually parent-friendly series. |
Day One Bonding with Baby
Day One Bonding with BabyYou are about to embark on a relationship like no other, and it should be treated as special. Take time to tune into your child. |
Day One Cuidarse
Day One CuidarseEn este video, nuevos padres enfatizan la importancia de aprender a pedir ayuda y rodearse de otros para animarte y ayudarte en el camino. |
Day One Las Cosas Son Diferentes, Obtenga Soporte
Day One Las Cosas Son Diferentes, Obtenga SoporteLa nueva personita tendrá su cuidado y atención, pero al igual que aprender a pedir ayuda, tienes que aprender a ponerse primero a veces. Esto requiere del apoyo de otros. |
Day One PSA
Day One PSAFrom day one the little things you do can make a big difference in a baby's life. |
Day One Taking Care of Yourself
Day One Taking Care of YourselfThe new little person will need your care and attention, but just like learning to ask for help, you have to learn to put yourself first at times. |
Day One Things are Different, Get Support
Day One Things are Different, Get SupportIn this video, new parents emphasize the importance of learning to ask for help and surrounding yourself with other to encourage and help you along the way. |
Day One Vinculación Con Bebé
Day One Vinculación Con BebéEstás a punto de embarcarse en una relación como ningún otro, y debe ser considerada como especial. Tómese tiempo para sintonizar con su hijo. |
Day Two Desmoronando: Niños Pequeños & Rabietas
Day Two Desmoronando: Niños Pequeños & RabietasLos padres de niños pequeños y especialistas pediátricos hablan de estresores involucrados con los padres de niños pequeños y dan formas positivas para hacer frente. |
Day Two Falling Apart: Toddlers & Tantrums
Day Two Falling Apart: Toddlers & TantrumsParents of toddlers and pediatric specialists talk about stressors involved with parenting small children and give positive ways to cope. |
Day Two Los Niños Pequeños y el Mundo de NO!
Day Two Los Niños Pequeños y el Mundo de NO!A esta edad, los niños están tratando se individualiza de sus padres. Ellos están tratando de descubrir sus límites y aprender a ser independiente. |
Day Two Pequeños & Tiempo de Pantalla
Day Two Pequeños & Tiempo de PantallaEl trabajo de la primera infancia es un juego, no tiempo de pantalla. Fomentar el juego dramático, vestido para arriba y fuera de las actividades físicas. |
Day Two Toddlers & Screen Time
Day Two Toddlers & Screen TimeThe work of early childhood is play, not screen time. Encourage dramatic play, dress up, and outside physical activities. |
Day Two Toddlers and the World of NO!
Day Two Toddlers and the World of NO!At this age, children are trying to individuate themselves from their parents. They are trying to discover their limits and learn to be independent. |
Developmental Screening
Developmental ScreeningDevelopmental screening is the administration of a brief standardized tool to aid in the identification of children at risk of a developmental disability. Concerning results from the screen should trigger further evaluation for specific developmental disabilities. Developmental screening of ALL children is recommended at the 9, 18, and 30 month well-child visits. |
For Kids Sake w/ Dr. Lance Chilton (Episode 1)
For Kids Sake w/ Dr. Lance Chilton (Episode 1)This is a video titled “For Kids’ Sake” with Dr. Lance Chilton Episode 1 which is available on YouTube. It is dedicated to the health and wellbeing of children. This episode focuses on a variety of topics related to children and their health. |
For Kids Sake w/ Dr. Lance Chilton (Episode 2)
For Kids Sake w/ Dr. Lance Chilton (Episode 2)This is a video titled “For Kids’ Sake” with Dr. Lance Chilton Episode 2 which is available on YouTube. It is dedicated to the health and wellbeing of children. This episode focuses on the disparities in health, healthcare for children, and premature infants. |
For Kids Sake w/ Dr. Lance Chilton (Episode 3)
For Kids Sake w/ Dr. Lance Chilton (Episode 3)This is a video titled “For Kids’ Sake” with Dr. Lance Chilton Episode 3 which is available on YouTube. It is dedicated to the health and wellbeing of children. The focus of this episode is childhood diabetes and the links to obesity and kidney disease. |
For Kids Sake w/ Dr. Lance Chilton (Episode 5)
For Kids Sake w/ Dr. Lance Chilton (Episode 5)This is a video titled “For Kids’ Sake” with Dr. Lance Chilton Episode 5 which is available on YouTube. It is dedicated to the health and wellbeing of children. The focus of this episode is reading and early childhood, dyslexia, and a look at seizures. |
For Kids Sake w/ Dr. Lance Chilton (Episode 6)
For Kids Sake w/ Dr. Lance Chilton (Episode 6)This is a video titled “For Kids’ Sake” with Dr. Lance Chilton Episode 6 which is available on YouTube. It is dedicated to the health and wellbeing of children. This episode focuses on seasonal allergies, hay-fever, and why bringing children to the Emergency Room may not always be the best idea. |
Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development
Georgetown University Center for Child and Human DevelopmentThe Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development was established over 50 years ago to improve the quality of life for all children and youth and their families, especially those with special health care needs, behavioral health challenges or disabilities (including adults with disabilities). |
Georgetown University, Center for Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation
Georgetown University, Center for Early Childhood Mental Health ConsultationThe Center translates research in healthy mental development into materials tailored to the needs of each of the target audiences, and makes them available on this website. |
Home Visiting Professional Development (UNM-CDD)
Home Visiting Professional Development (UNM-CDD)The mission of the CDD is the full inclusion of people with disabilities and their families in their community by engaging individuals in making life choices, partnering with communities to build resources, and improving systems of care. |
Maternal Child Health - Postpartum Support New Mexico
Maternal Child Health - Postpartum Support New MexicoThis page lists the Postpartum Support International Support Coordinators and other area resources such as groups, telephone support, and reliable services that are available for no charge. We also list local events, trainings, and volunteer opportunities. |
Maternal Depression Screening
Maternal Depression ScreeningMaternal depression affects up to 18% of mothers during the first year postpartum, yet the condition is likely to go unrecognized and untreated by a mother's own health care provider who may see her less frequently than the pediatrician. At well-child visits, the pediatric provider has an opportunity to identify signs of maternal depression and intervene through routine screening. |
Milestone Tracker for Android Devices
Milestone Tracker for Android DevicesMilestones matter! Track your child’s milestones from age 2 months to 5 years with the Center for Disease Control’s easy-to-use illustrated checklists; get tips from for encouraging your child’s development; and find out what to do if you are ever concerned about how your child is developing. |
Milestone Tracker for Apple Devices
Milestone Tracker for Apple DevicesMilestones matter! Track your child’s milestones from age 2 months to 5 years with the Center for Disease Control’s easy-to-use illustrated checklists; get tips from for encouraging your child’s development; and find out what to do if you are ever concerned about how your child is developing. |
Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS)
Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS)Our acronym stands for “Mothers of Preschoolers” because we began in 1973 when a group of moms of young children banded together to share their lives and parenting journeys. Over the past forty-five years, MOPS has expanded our reach to include moms with older kids, partnering with churches and organizations worldwide to equip and encourage moms in more than 60 countries. |
National Child Traumatic Stress Network
National Child Traumatic Stress NetworkThe mission of this network is to raise the standard of care and improve access to services for traumatized children, their families and communities throughout the United States. |
National Fatherhood Initiative
National Fatherhood InitiativeNational Fatherhood Initiative is the nation's leading non-profit organization working to |
National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education
National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early EducationSince 1995, the National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education (NRC) has maintained and continues to develop national health and safety standards for early care and education settings |
New Mexico Children, Youth & Families Department Home Visiting
New Mexico Children, Youth & Families Department Home VisitingHome visitors partner with families to promote child development and confident parenting by supporting the relationship among the family, home visitor and the community. |
New Mexico Kids
New Mexico KidsThe NewMexicoKids website offers a variety of services and resources for both educators and families in the State of New Mexico. |
New Mexico Midwives Association
New Mexico Midwives AssociationThis website is dedicated to preserving the tradition of midwifery care in New Mexico. |
New Mexico Pediatric Society
New Mexico Pediatric SocietyThe New Mexico Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics is dedicated to the principle of a meaningful and healthy life for every child. |
New Mexico's Midwife Programs Garner National Attention
New Mexico's Midwife Programs Garner National AttentionNew Mexico's Midwife Programs Garner National Attention |
Public Libraries of New Mexico
Public Libraries of New MexicoThis page contains a list of public libraries in New Mexico. If you do not see a listing for your local branch library there is a possibility that it might be part of a larger library system. It also might be listed under a different name. |
Safe to Sleep
Safe to SleepThe Safe to Sleep® campaign, formerly known as the Back to Sleep campaign, focuses on actions you and others can take to help your baby sleep safely and to reduce your baby’s risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and other sleep-related causes of infant death. |
Sesame Street for Parents
Sesame Street for ParentsPlay together, grow together. Find educational parenting tips, fun family activities, and more just for you - bring Sesame Street into your family's everyday life. |
Single Mom Financial Help
Single Mom Financial HelpThis site provides options for financial assistance in the form of grants for single mothers. Over the years, these kind of financial aid have helped millions of single moms beat the odds and survive the rough road of single motherhood. |
Text 4 Baby
Text 4 BabyText4baby is the first mobile information service designed to promote maternal and child health through text messaging. Text4baby is a free service of the non-profit National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition, and was created in collaboration with Founding sponsor Johnson & Johnson, and founding partners Voxiva, The Wireless Foundation, and Grey Healthcare group. |
Zero to Three
Zero to ThreeA national nonprofit organization that provides parents, professionals and policymakers the knowledge and the know-how to nurture early development. |