Federal Government Resources
Links to federal government agency and organization websites.
Influenza Surveillance
Avian Influenza Information
Avian Influenza InformationAvian influenza refers to the disease caused by infection with avian (bird) influenza (flu) Type A viruses. These viruses occur naturally among wild aquatic birds worldwide and can infect domestic poultry and other bird and animal species. |
CDC Digital Media Toolkit
CDC Digital Media ToolkitKeep Influenza Out of the Workplace Poster |
CDC Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness
CDC Influenza Vaccine EffectivenessCDC Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness |
CDC Seasonal Flu Vaccine Effectiveness Studies
CDC Seasonal Flu Vaccine Effectiveness StudiesCDC Seasonal Flu Vaccine Effectiveness Studies |
Clinical Guidance for Influenza Vaccination
Clinical Guidance for Influenza VaccinationSeasonal Influenza Vaccination Resources for Health Professionals |
Flu Resource Center
Flu Resource CenterHCP Fight Flu Toolkit |
Frequently Asked Flu Questions
Frequently Asked Flu QuestionsThis page on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website contains information and recommendations about the current Influenza Season. |
Guidance for Clinicians on the Use of Rapid Influenza Diagnostic Tests
Guidance for Clinicians on the Use of Rapid Influenza Diagnostic TestsRapid influenza diagnostic tests are immunoassays that can identify the presence of influenza A and B viral nucleoprotein antigens in respiratory specimens, and display the result in a qualitative way. |
Guidance for Clinicians on the Use of RT-PCR and Other Molecular Assays for Diagnosis of Influenza Virus Infection
Guidance for Clinicians on the Use of RT-PCR and Other Molecular Assays for Diagnosis of Influenza Virus InfectionTests for influenza include molecular assays, rapid influenza diagnostic tests, viral culture or serology. |
Guidance for the Prevention and Control of Influenza in the Peri- and Postpartum Settings
Guidance for the Prevention and Control of Influenza in the Peri- and Postpartum SettingsPregnant women have been shown to be at increased risk of severe illness, hospitalizations, and death from complications of influenza. |
Infection Control in Health Care Facilities
Infection Control in Health Care FacilitiesThis page on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website focuses on infection control in health care facilities (specifically Influenza). |
InfluenzaThis page on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website provides information about seasonal flu and the best way to prevent and treat it. |
Influenza Activity & Surveillance
Influenza Activity & SurveillanceThe focus on this Centers for Disease Control and Prevention page is Flu Activity & Surveillance. |
Influenza Antiviral Medications: Summary for Clinicians
Influenza Antiviral Medications: Summary for CliniciansAntiviral medications with activity against influenza viruses are an important adjunct to influenza vaccine in the control of influenza. |
Influenza Printable Materials
Influenza Printable MaterialsThis season’s flu materials include messaging to address flu recommendations. All materials are free for download. They may be printed on a standard office printer, or you may use a commercial printer. |
Influenza Season 2017-2018 Frequently Asked Flu Questions
Influenza Season 2017-2018 Frequently Asked Flu QuestionsThis page on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website contains information and recommendations about the Influenza Season. |
Interim Guidance for Influenza Outbreak Management in Long-Term Care Facilities
Interim Guidance for Influenza Outbreak Management in Long-Term Care FacilitiesLong-term care facilities may be defined as institutions, such as nursing homes and skilled nursing facilities that provide health care to people (including children) who are unable to manage independently in the community. |
Novel Influenza A Virus Infections
Novel Influenza A Virus InfectionsNovel Influenza A Virus Infections |
Pandemic Influenza Resources
Pandemic Influenza ResourcesThis page on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website provides resources for Pandemic Flu (including Pandemic Flu preparedness tools). |
Past Flu Seasons
Past Flu SeasonsQuestions and Answers from past flu seasons. |
People at High Risk For Flu Complications
People at High Risk For Flu ComplicationsThis is the CDC page with information about People at High Risk For Flu Complications |
Pregnant Women
Pregnant WomenThis is the CDC page with information about Pregnant Women & Influenza (Flu) |
Prevention Strategies for Seasonal Influenza in Healthcare Settings
Prevention Strategies for Seasonal Influenza in Healthcare SettingsInfluenza is primarily a community-based infection that is transmitted in households and community settings. Each year, 5% to 20% of U.S. residents acquire an influenza virus infection, and many will seek medical care in ambulatory healthcare settings (e.g., pediatricians' offices, urgent-care clinics). |
Vaccine Selection for the Influenza Season
Vaccine Selection for the Influenza SeasonThis page provides information about the most current influenza season. |
What CDC Does About Novel Flu: Outbreak Investigations
What CDC Does About Novel Flu: Outbreak InvestigationsWhat CDC Does About Novel Flu: Outbreak Investigations |