Department of Health Resources
Links to other websites directly operated by the New Mexico Department of Health.
Child Health Immunization Learning-electronic Training
Child Health Immunization Learning-electronic TrainingChild Health Immunization Learning-electronic Training |
Childhood Immunization Coverage with 4:3:1:3:3:1:4, National Immunization Survey Report
Childhood Immunization Coverage with 4:3:1:3:3:1:4, National Immunization Survey ReportNew Mexico-Indicator-Based Information System is your source for data and information on New Mexico's priority public health issues. It provides access to the data that can help provide answers to realize the health goals of New Mexico. This page focuses on the Childhood Immunization Coverage, National Immunization Survey Report. |
COVID-19 Vaccine Training Part 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Training Part 1COVID-19 Vaccine Training Part 1 |
COVID-19 Vaccine Training Part 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Training Part 2COVID-19 Vaccine Training Part 2 |
COVID-19 Vaccine Training Part 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Training Part 3COVID-19 Vaccine Training Part 3 |
COVID-19 Vaccine Training Part 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Training Part 4COVID-19 Vaccine Training Part 4 |
COVID-19 Vaccine Training Part 5
COVID-19 Vaccine Training Part 5COVID-19 Vaccine Training Part 5 |
COVID-19 Vaccine Training Part 6
COVID-19 Vaccine Training Part 6COVID-19 Vaccine Training Part 6 |
Immunizations Among American Indian and Alaska Native People: Challenges & Successes
Immunizations Among American Indian and Alaska Native People: Challenges & SuccessesThis is a webinar about immunizations among American Indian and Alaska Native people. |
Influenza Vaccination, Adults Age 65+ Report
Influenza Vaccination, Adults Age 65+ ReportThe information found on this New Mexico Indicator Based Information System page focuses on Influenza Vaccination, adults age 65+. Listed are important facts, data views by year, related indicators, and other related resources and links. |
Influenza Vaccination, Age 18+
Influenza Vaccination, Age 18+Influenza Vaccination, Age 18+ |
Influenza Vaccination, Age 65+
Influenza Vaccination, Age 65+Influenza Vaccination, Age 65+ |
Life-Saving Hepatitis B Vaccine
Life-Saving Hepatitis B VaccineThere is a very important vaccine that all mothers and pregnant women should know about. Babies need to receive the vaccine for Hepatitis B on the first day of life, and it's important that they receive this vaccine on time for disease protection. |
MCAB Meeting December 09, 2020
MCAB Meeting December 09, 2020MCAB Meeting December 09, 2020 |
MCAB Meeting November 16, 2020
MCAB Meeting November 16, 2020MCAB Meeting November 16, 2020 |
NMSIIS VFC Recertification
NMSIIS VFC RecertificationNMSIIS VFC Recertification in NMSIIS |
Pneumococcal Vaccination, Age 65+
Pneumococcal Vaccination, Age 65+Pneumococcal Vaccination, Age 65+ |
Pneumonia Vaccination, Adults Age 65+ Report
Pneumonia Vaccination, Adults Age 65+ ReportThe information found on this NM-IBIS page focuses on Pneumonia vaccination, adults age 65+. Listed are important facts, data views by year, related indicators, and other resources and links. |
Recording Freezer Temperatures on the VFC Monthly Temp Log
Recording Freezer Temperatures on the VFC Monthly Temp LogThis is a tutorial on YouTube explaining how to record freezer temperatures in the Vaccines for Children Monthly temperature log form. |
Recording Refrigerator Temperatures on the VFC Monthly Temp Log
Recording Refrigerator Temperatures on the VFC Monthly Temp LogThis is a tutorial on YouTube explaining how to record refrigerator temperatures in the Vaccines for Children Monthly temperature log form. |
Statewide Immunization Information System
Statewide Immunization Information SystemThe New Mexico Statewide Immunization Information System (NMSIIS) is a computerized Internet database application that was developed to record and track immunization dates of New Mexico State's children and adults, providing assistance for keeping everyone on track for their recommended immunizations. |
vaxview.doh.nm.govNMSIIS website |
VaxViewNM Provider Video
VaxViewNM Provider VideoNMSIIS VaxViewNM video for providers |
VaxViewNM Public Video
VaxViewNM Public VideoNMSIIS VaxViewNM video for the public |
VFC 400 Freezer Settings
VFC 400 Freezer SettingsVFC 400 Freezer Settings |
VFC 400 Refrigerator Settings
VFC 400 Refrigerator SettingsVFC 400 Refrigerator Settings |
VFC Digital Data Logger Setup Video
VFC Digital Data Logger Setup VideoThis video available on YouTube is a training on how to set up your vaccines for children thermometer. |