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Commissions and Committees Resources

Links to commission and committee websites throughout the state.

Dental and Oral Health

American Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors

American Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors

American Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors

A national non-profit organization representing the directors and staff of state public health agency programs for oral health. It was organized in 1948 and is one of 17 affiliates of the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials.

American Dental Association

American Dental Association

American Dental Association

Founded in 1859, the not-for-profit American Dental Association is the nation's largest dental association, representing more than 157,000 dentist members. Since then, the American Dental Association has grown to become the leading source of oral health related information for dentists and their patients. They are committed to its members and to the improvement of oral health for the public. Their vision is to be the recognized leader on oral health with its mission to help all members succeed.

Association of Public Health Dentistry

Association of Public Health Dentistry

Association of Public Health Dentistry

Founded in 1937, the American Association of Public Health Dentistry provides a focus for meeting the challenge to improve oral health. AAPHD membership is open to all individuals concerned with improving the oral health of the public.

New Mexico Dental Hygienists' Association

New Mexico Dental Hygienists' Association

New Mexico Dental Hygienists' Association

Our mission is to represent dental hygienists in continuing to improve the oral health of our community by being innovative in increasing access to quality oral healthcare.