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Commissions and Committees Resources

Links to commission and committee websites throughout the state.

Suicide Prevention

Adult Suicide Warning Signs

Adult Suicide Warning Signs

Adult Suicide Warning Signs

This page explains the warning signs for adult suicide by providing an easy-to-remember mnemonic. It also provides a list of expanded warning signs to help identify an adult who is at risk.

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

We fund research, create educational programs, advocate for public policy, and support survivors of suicide loss.

Youth Suicide Warning Signs

Youth Suicide Warning Signs

Youth Suicide Warning Signs

A search of possible youth suicide warning signs on the internet produces an enormous list, most of which are based on speculation and anecdotal report and not derived from the best available evidence. In 2012, leaders from the American Association of Suicidology and the National Center for the Prevention of Youth Suicide endeavored to create a national consensus around youth warning signs. To that end, a panel of national and international experts conveyed to resolve this problem. The purpose of this process was to help the public better understand the way youth think, feel, and behave prior to making life-threatening suicide attempts and inform them about how to effectively respond. Further, they sought to promote a clear and consistent message about what the true warning signs of suicide are for youth.