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Commissions and Committees Resources

Links to commission and committee websites throughout the state.


American Stroke Association

American Stroke Association

American Stroke Association

Our mission is to build healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. That single purpose drives all we do. The need for our work is beyond question.

Caregiver Action Network

Caregiver Action Network

Caregiver Action Network

The Caregiver Action Network is the nation’s leading family caregiver organization working to improve the quality of life for the than 90 million Americans who care for loved ones with chronic conditions, disabilities, disease, or the frailties of old age. We serve a broad spectrum of family caregivers ranging from the parents of children with special needs, to the families and friends of wounded soldiers; from a young couple dealing with a diagnosis of MS, to adult children caring for parents with Alzheimer’s disease. We are a non-profit organization providing education, peer support, and resources to family caregivers across the country free of charge.

HOPE: A Stroke Recovery Guide

HOPE: A Stroke Recovery Guide

HOPE: A Stroke Recovery Guide

Recovery from stroke is a lifelong process. For many people recovery begins with formal rehabilitation. It is important for you and your family to know that no matter where you are in your recovery journey - there is always hope. Learn as much as you can about stroke and recovery, and the resources that are available. National Stroke Association has designed this publication to provide you with valuable information and help you on your road to recovery.

National Stroke Association

National Stroke Association

National Stroke Association

For more than 30 years we have become the trusted source for free resources and education for the entire stroke community. We develop programs across the full continuum of stroke—prevention, acute treatment, and rehabilitation. We promote life-saving stroke information, provide objective and credible information, impact survivor empowerment and stroke community quality of life, and give voice to those denied their rights because of stroke.