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Specimen Receiving Program

We receive all samples submitted to SLD.


Specimen Receiving Hours are from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.

Reporting Test Results

We use a computer database as the source of data for reporting test results. For this database to work as intended, we must have the most recent and accurate information.

Submitter Table

This contains the code, name, and address information for all the clients that regularly submit samples to us. SLD issues a unique code to each client. Reports to the client are mailed to the address in this table. This address needs to be correct for any analysis that where done. Any group or organization that is considering using SLD, should first get a submitter code so that they can be assured that the reports will be mailed to them. It is our policy to not issue submitter numbers to one-time users. If you need a Submitter Code or want to check to see if the mailing address is correct for your assigned Submitter Code, please contact us.

Water System Supply Table

The first two characters in the Water System Supply (WSS) code are the agency responsible for regulatory oversight of the system – '06' is USEPA Region 6, '09' is USEPA Region 9, NM is the State of New Mexico Environment Department. The next two characters are the state in which the system is located –'35' is a New Mexico location, '04' is an Arizona location. The remaining five characters identify the specific WSS. Correct demographic information is important. WSS codes are generated and maintained by New Mexico Environment Department, Drinking Water Bureau.

Please contact Richard Asbury, (575) 524-6300, for more information.