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For Providers

The role of the health care team is critical to the success of Family Connects New Mexico. Any interaction a healthcare worker has with families during the prenatal or postpartum period is an opportunity to acknowledge and normalize in-home support from home visiting professionals. Each child, be it the first or third, brings new dynamics for the family. Family Connects New Mexico bridges the gaps between postpartum and primary care and provides families with the information they need to succeed. That comes in the form of education during a 2-hour nurse home visit or a warm handoff to community partners that can provide the needed support. With consent Family Connects New Mexico nurses can generate and share the 2 hour in home assessment finding with the clients medical home, helping to provide continuity of care.

The Evidence

Family Connects is an evidence-based model that supports all families of newborns. Research demonstrates that families are stronger, children's lives are enhanced, and communities save money when high quality services are implemented through Family Connects.

Two randomized controlled trials of Family Connects (formerly called Durham Connects and conducted in Durham, NC) have been conducted and results from research on the Family Connects model has been published in a number of journals, including Pediatrics, American Jounal of Public Health, and JAMA Network Open. This formative research has been led by FCI's founder Dr. Kenneth Dodge and our Director for Research and Innovation, Dr. Ben Goodman.

Family Connects New Mexico believes that each and every family benefits from a professional nurse-led home visit following the arrival of a newborn in the home. Medical professionals are integral in helping normalize such visits, just as we rely on professionals with specialized training to maintain our cars, our homes, and our health.

We believe that every family should have fair and just opportunities to achieve optimal health and well-being, and we actively work to establish systems that support this ideal through the home visits offered by Family Connects New Mexico. Simply put, the answer to the question, "Which families should I refer to home visiting?" is "All families!" As a member of the healthcare team, you can ensure that babies and their families are provided this opportunity to improve their health and well-being though a universally offered nurse home visit service.

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