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School Health Manual

The New Mexico School Health Manual (SHM) is a guidance document to be used by New Mexico Schools in supporting a coordinated school health practice and program. It provides evidence based guidelines, recommendations and information developed by the New Mexico Department of Health, Office of School and Adolescent Health (OSAH) in conjunction with other partners committed to New Mexico School Health.

Essential Information

Alternative Copy or Versions

It is recommended that users of the New Mexico SHM enter into the manual each time via the internet since the manual is frequently updated and revised. If bookmarked on a desktop, it is important to use the refresh mode or button on your computer each time entering into the New Mexico SHM. This will ensure the most current bookmarked manual is up to date.

Required Software

The New Mexico SHM and resources are provided in Adobe Acrobat format. To view them, the Adobe Acrobat Reader software must be installed on your computer or device. If you’re having trouble opening any of these documents, please work with your school administrators.

Learn More

To learn more about the New Mexico SHM, please contact the Regional School Health Advocate in your area. The guide to revisions, contact information, resources, and directory of web links are now maintained within the manual itself. Please look to the manual to access this information from now on.