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Healthy Kids Healthy Communities


5210 Let's Go NM Logo (B&W Stacked)

5210 Let's Go NM Logo (B&W Stacked)

5210 Let's Go NM Logo (B&W Stacked)

5210 Let's Go NM - Stacked Black & White Logo

5210 Let's Go NM Logo (B&W Wide)

5210 Let's Go NM Logo (B&W Wide)

5210 Let's Go NM Logo (B&W Wide)

5210 Let's Go NM - Wide Black & White Logo

5210 Let's Go NM Logo (CMYK Color)

5210 Let's Go NM Logo (CMYK Color)

5210 Let's Go NM Logo (CMYK Color)

5210 Let's Go NM - CMYK Color Logo

5210 Let's Go NM Logo (RGB Color)

5210 Let's Go NM Logo (RGB Color)

5210 Let's Go NM Logo (RGB Color)

5210 Let's Go NM - RGB Color Logo

Golden Chile Application for Food Producers

Golden Chile Application for Food Producers

Golden Chile Application for Food Producers

Golden Chile Application for Food Producers

Golden Chile Application for K-12 Schools

Golden Chile Application for K-12 Schools

Golden Chile Application for K-12 Schools

Golden Chile application for K-12 schools

Golden Chile Application for Preschools

Golden Chile Application for Preschools

Golden Chile Application for Preschools

Golden Chile application for preschools

Golden Chile Application for Senior Centers

Golden Chile Application for Senior Centers

Golden Chile Application for Senior Centers

Golden Chile application for senior centers

Healthy Kids 5210 Challenge Tracker

Healthy Kids 5210 Challenge Tracker

Healthy Kids 5210 Challenge Tracker

5210 Let's Go NM - 21 Day Challenge Tracker

HKNM 5-2-1-0 Challenge

HKNM 5-2-1-0 Challenge

HKNM 5-2-1-0 Challenge

The 5-2-1-O Challenge motivates children to eat more healthfully and live more actively. It is based on American Academy of Pediatrics’ recommendations to improve children’s health.




KaBOOM! is the national non-profit dedicated to bringing balanced and active play into the daily lives of all kids, particularly those growing up in poverty in America.

KaBOOM! on Facebook

KaBOOM! on Facebook

KaBOOM! on Facebook

This is a popular free social networking website that allows registered users to create profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues – this one specifically about KaBOOM!

KaBOOM! on Twitter

KaBOOM! on Twitter

KaBOOM! on Twitter

This is an online social networking service that enables users to send and read short 140- character messages called "tweets” – this one specifically about KaBOOM!

National Nutrition Month

National Nutrition Month

National Nutrition Month

National Nutrition Month® is a nutrition education and information campaign created annually in March by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The campaign focuses on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits.

Signs of Progress Report

Signs of Progress Report

Signs of Progress Report

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation article about decline in childhood obesity in New Mexico for 2013-2014 school year.