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Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program

Staff Directory

Albuquerque | Roswell


Albuquerque – Homestead
5300 Homestead Rd NE, Suite 100, Albuquerque, NM 87110

Program Manager

Vacant Position

Operations Manager

Sylvia Baca
505-252-3050 Office
505-589-3960 Fax

Clinical Services Manager

Erin Flinn-Gildersleeve, Clinical Services Manager
505-420-2531 Office
505-589-3960 Fax

Education and Outreach Manager

Angie Gomez Martelli, Education and Outreach Manager
505-546-7558 Office

Nurse Coordinators

Cynthia Nielsen
505-521-9781 Office
505-533-6078; 505-589-3948
505-589-3960 Fax

Raina Saiz, Nurse Coordinator
505-917-9329 Office
505-589-3960 Fax

Vinia Tapia, Nurse Coordinator
505-269-5750 Office
505-289-3960 Fax

Case Manager

Blanca Vargas, Case Manager / Health Educator
505-250-6493 Office
505-533-6078 Fax

Case Managers - UNM

Karla Garcia Nunez
505-272-5446 Office
505-272-8331 Fax

Wendy Hine
505-272-1789 Office
505-272-8331 Fax

Health Educators

Stephanie Barela, Health Educator
505-220-9717 Office
505-533-6078 Fax

Blanca Vargas, Case Manager / Health Educator
505-250-6493 Office
505-533-6078 Fax

Billing Specialists

Rebeca Carrillo
505-469-6756 Office
505-589-3960 Fax

Cynthia Gomez
505-372-8487 Office
505-589-3960 Fax

Lisa VanOstrand
505-231-4442 Office
505-589-3690 Fax

Epidemiologist/Data Manager

Libby Bruggeman, Cancer Section Epidemiologist / BCC Program Data Manager
505-280-3639 Office
505-589-3960 Fax

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Southeast Region
1912 W. 2nd St., Roswell, NM 88201

Nurse Coordinator

Lorraine Lisotto, Nurse Coordinator
505-521-9782 Cell
505-222-4644 Office
505-533-6078 Fax

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