Monkeypox Information for Health Care Providers
Mpox illness, including severe infections, continue to occur across the United States. CDC has clinical guidance for health care professionals: CDC - Mpox Information for Healthcare Professionals
In New Mexico, it is essential to report any suspect, probable or confirmed cases. Call the NMDOH Helpline at 1-833-796-8773 for questions about:
- Clinicians should consider mpox when lesions consistent with mpox are observed in a patient, even if an alternate etiology (e.g., herpes simplex virus, syphilis) is considered more likely. Report any confirmed case to the the New Mexico Department of Health (DOH) Helpline at 1-833-SWNURSE (1-833-796-8773)
- It is important to comprehensively evaluate patients presenting with genital or perianal ulcers for STIs. However, co-infections with MPOX and STIs have been reported and the presence of an STI does not rule out MPOX.
- Testing for MPOX is available commercial labs and the state scientific laboratory (SLD). Please refer to your diagnostic laboratory's webpage for specimen collection and submission guidance.
- Specimens must be appropriately collected, stored, and submitted by the healthcare provider; patients cannot have specimens collected at laboratory service centers.
- Consult the DOH for access to mpox therapeutics when appropriate. Treatment with tecovirimat can be considered via the NIH sponsored STOMP trial:
TriCore testing guidance:
Quest testing guidance:
Labcorp testing guidance:
For submission of specimens to SLD please refer to the HAN dated 7/8/2022 linked below
Specific directions are in these Health Action Alerts:
- Mpox Virus Infection in the United States and Other Non-endemic Countries - 07/08/2022
- Mpox Virus Infection in the United States and Other Non-endemic Countries - 05/26/2022