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HIV Surveillance & Epidemiology Program


Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention

Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention

Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention

As a part of its overall public health mission, CDC provides leadership in helping control the HIV/AIDS epidemic by working with community, state, national, and international partners in surveillance, research, and prevention and evaluation activities. These activities are critically important because CDC estimates that about 1.2 million Americans are living with HIV, and that 12.8% of these persons do not know they are infected.

HIV/AIDS Basic Science

HIV/AIDS Basic Science

HIV/AIDS Basic Science

HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. It is the virus that can lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, or AIDS. Unlike some other viruses, the human body cannot get rid of HIV. That means that once you have HIV, you have it for life.

HIV/AIDS Basic Statistics

HIV/AIDS Basic Statistics

HIV/AIDS Basic Statistics

HIV and AIDS remain a persistent problem for the United States and countries around the world. While great progress has been made in preventing and treating HIV, there is still much to do. The questions in this section provide a broad overview of the effects of HIV and AIDS in the United States and globally.

New HIV Infections (Report 1)

New HIV Infections (Report 1)

New HIV Infections (Report 1)

Rate per 100,000 population with NM compared to USA.

New HIV Infections (Report 2)

New HIV Infections (Report 2)

New HIV Infections (Report 2)

Frequency compared to rate.

New HIV Infections (Report 3)

New HIV Infections (Report 3)

New HIV Infections (Report 3)

Rate per 100,000 population by NM public health region. (Map)

New Stage-3 HIV Infections (Report 1)

New Stage-3 HIV Infections (Report 1)

New Stage-3 HIV Infections (Report 1)

Rate per 100,000 population with NM compared to USA.

New Stage-3 HIV Infections (Report 2)

New Stage-3 HIV Infections (Report 2)

New Stage-3 HIV Infections (Report 2)

Frequency compared to rate.

New Stage-3 HIV Infections (Report 3)

New Stage-3 HIV Infections (Report 3)

New Stage-3 HIV Infections (Report 3)

Rate per 100,000 population by NM Public Health Region. (Map)

New Stage-3 HIV Infections (Report 4)

New Stage-3 HIV Infections (Report 4)

New Stage-3 HIV Infections (Report 4)

Within 12 months of new HIV diagnosis. Rate per 100,000 population by NM public health region. (Map)

Online Version of the HEPATITIS Case Report Form for New Mexico.

Online Version of the HEPATITIS Case Report Form for New Mexico.

Online Version of the HEPATITIS Case Report Form for New Mexico.

Online Version of the HEPATITIS Case Report Form for New Mexico.

Online Version of the HIV Case Report Form for New Mexico

Online Version of the HIV Case Report Form for New Mexico

Online Version of the HIV Case Report Form for New Mexico

Online Version of the HIV Case Report Form for New Mexico

Persons Living With HIV Infection (Report 1)

Persons Living With HIV Infection (Report 1)

Persons Living With HIV Infection (Report 1)

Rate per 100,000 population with NM compared to USA.

Persons Living With HIV Infection (Report 2)

Persons Living With HIV Infection (Report 2)

Persons Living With HIV Infection (Report 2)

Frequency compared to rate.

Persons Living With HIV Infection (Report 3)

Persons Living With HIV Infection (Report 3)

Persons Living With HIV Infection (Report 3)

Rate per 100,000 population by NM public health region. (Map)