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HIV Surveillance & Epidemiology Program

The New Mexico HIV Surveillance and Epidemiology Program (HIVSEP) conducts HIV/AIDS case surveillance and supplemental surveys for the New Mexico Department of Health’s Epidemiology and Response Division. These activities are funded, in part, through a federal grant from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Division of Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention (DHAP).

Case Reporting



All HIV or AIDS cases diagnosed or treated in New Mexico must be reported to the HIV/AIDS Epidemiology Program using the HIV/AIDS Confidential Case Reporting Form.

Please be sure to take a look at the instructions and frequently asked questions documents below for additional information on the case reporting process.


NOTE: All information gathered by the program is used for surveillance purposes only and remains strictly confidential.

Health Data

Annual Final Reports (12-month data maturity)

Annual Interim Reports (6-month data maturity)