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Another Way New Mexico

About the Advisory Council

New Mexico’s Overdose Prevention and Pain Management Advisory Council is charged with reviewing the status of overdose prevention and pain management standards and education efforts for both consumers and professionals. The Advisory Council is made up of members and other parties that have a professional or personal interest. The Advisory Council is also responsible for recommending pain management and clinical guidelines. The Council was created pursuant to a revision to the Pain Relief Act in 2012 and is administratively attached to the Department of Health. The Council’s name and membership were modified in 2018 pursuant to Section 24-2D-5.2 NMSA 1978.

Advisory Council members are appointed by the Office of the Governor and represent many sectors working on overdose prevention and pain management in the state of New Mexico, including one representative each from the department of health, the human services department, the department of public safety, the New Mexico medical board, the board of nursing, the board of pharmacy, the board of osteopathic medicine, the board of acupuncture and oriental medicine, the New Mexico board of dental health care, the chiropractic board, the university of New Mexico health sciences center, a harm reduction organization, a third-party payer, a statewide medical association, a statewide association of pharmacists, a statewide association of nurse practitioners, a statewide association of certified registered nurse anesthetists and a statewide association of osteopathic physicians; one person who is a pain management specialist; one person who is an addiction specialist; one person who is a consumer health care advocate; and one person who has no direct ties or pecuniary interest in the health care field.

Prospective appointees should work with the organization they hope to represent and submit an application to the Office of the Governor. If you have a question about council membership, please contact the current Chair of the Council, Dominick Zurlo

These are the 2020 Advisory Council Recommendations.

Current Advisory Council Members List

The New Mexico Overdose Prevention and Pain Management Council email list-serve is now through GoogleGroups. Please use the following links to subscribe, or, if you no longer wish to receive updates, to unsubscribe:

You can also search for the group on Google Groups by the name of the group: New Mexico Overdose Prevention and Pain Management Council. It is easier to join if you use Google Chrome and are connected to your Google Profile/account. If you have not used Google Groups before, here is a link to instructions, including how to join without a gmail address:

Public Meeting Notice

New Mexico Overdose Prevention and Pain Management Advisory Council Meeting

Time & Date: The next Council Meeting will be a virtual meeting held on Friday, January 10,2025 starting at 1:30 PM.

Agenda: Meeting Agenda for January, 10, 2025 with Draft Minutes from October 11, 2024

Location: Virtual - please join via this link: Join Online or if by phone call in (audio only) +1 505-312-4308, Phone Conference ID: 109 201 019#, Passcode: NUJKQn

Contact: Paul Maldonado for meeting invitation details

Individuals with Disability

Individuals with a disability who need a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter, or any other form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the meeting, please contact Paul Maldonado at least one week prior to the meeting or as soon as possible.

Public Documents

Public documents, including the Overdose Prevention and Pain Management Advisory Council meeting agendas and minutes, can be provided in various accessible formats. Contact Paul Maldonado for more information.

Meeting Agendas, Minutes, & Recordings

Advisory Council Recommendations