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Emergency Medical Services Dispatch & Communications

EMSCOM Radio Communications Users Manual

ImageThis manual is provided for the use of all services that may have occasion to use the New Mexico Emergency Medical Services Communications system. The intended purpose of the manual is to provide a basic understanding of the capabilities, proper utilization and maintenance policies of the State system. Its content specifically addresses the fundamental knowledge applicable to the emergency medical services provider rather than being an in-depth technical resource relating to system design and operation.

The objectives of the EMS Dispatch & Communications EMSCOM Radio Communications Users Manual are as follows:

  1. Provide an overview of radio principles and components of radio systems
  2. Provide an overview of the New Mexico EMSCOM system.
  3. Provide a review of basic radio procedures.
  4. Provide direction on obtaining a unit number on the New Mexico EMSCOM system.
  5. Provide an overview of maintenance of the EMSCOM system components.
  6. Clarify the role of the EMSB, EMS regional offices, and the EMSB communications coordinator.

Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) Guide

ImageThe Emergency Medical Dispatch Agency (EMDA) is an integral part of New Mexico’s Emergency Medical Services system. Emergency Medical Dispatchers (EMD) are the initial and one of the most critical links in all models of the provision of excellent emergency medical care during any emergency. In an effort to provide the best outcome possible for the patient, EMD care, provided from the receipt of the call until arrival of EMS providers on scene, is the first critical action that must be addressed.

The Department of Health recognizes that the quickest way to get a medical professional on the scene is to provide high quality EMD. Therefore, the State assures that only certified EMDAs and state licensed EMDs provide this life‐saving service.

Based on the commitment to high quality medical care in New Mexico, the EMSB is charged with the licensing and regulation of EMDs and EMD instructors. The EMS Dispatch & Communications EMD Guide is designed to be a concise but comprehensive resource to ensure EMDs have all the information needed to successfully comply with all state of New Mexico rules, regulations, and guidelines.

It provides emergency medical dispatch agencies with a guide to understanding New Mexico’s rules, regulations, and minimum standards to be met by those providing Emergency Medical services in the State of New Mexico to protect and promote the health and safety of the people. The standards in this guide include: agency certification, training, continuing education, licensure, re‐licensure, protocol use and compliance, medical direction and oversight, quality assurance, improvement, and management of emergency medical dispatch specific to this State.

Learn More

The following publications will provide you with additional information about EMS dispatch & communications including standards, procedures, training, and maps.



