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Emergency Medical Services Committees

You can find information about several New Mexico EMS related committees. Please visit this page for upcoming meetings, agendas, minutes, and documents which may be produced by the committees.

Table of Contents

Joint Organization on Education (JOE) Committee

Next Meeting

To be announced

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Statewide EMS Advisory Committee (SWAC)

Under Section 24-10B-7(A), NMSA 1978 the secretary shall appoint a statewide emergency medical services advisory committee to advise the bureau in carrying out the provisions of the Emergency Medical Services Act [24-10B-1 NMSA 1978].

The advisory committee shall include, at a minimum, representatives from the state medical society, the state emergency medical technicians' association, the state firefighters' association, the New Mexico ambulance association, the state nurses' association, the association of public safety communications organization/national emergency numbers association, the lead state agency for public safety and emergency preparedness, the state emergency services council, the New Mexico health and hospital systems association, the university of New Mexico health sciences center, the state fire chiefs' association, a consumer, emergency medical service regional offices and other interested provider and consumer groups as determined by the secretary.

The advisory committee shall establish appropriate subcommittees, including a trauma advisory committee and an air transport advisory committee.

Next Meeting

To be announced




These are the current members of SWAC.

  • Pete Bellows, NM EMT Association, Chair
  • Gregg Kotila, EMS Region 1
  • Chad Hamill, NM Fire Chiefs, Vice-Chair
  • Joaquin Graham, Region 2
  • James Williams, EMS Region 3
  • Kathie Schaffer, EMSC
  • Marc Nason, NM Firefighters Association
  • Nate Lay, Emergency Services Council/SAR
  • BJ Brunt-Palmer, NM Nurses Association
  • Kurt Krumperman, NM Ambulance Association
  • Brent Hamilton, NM AMTAC
  • Mick Leo, NM, ACEP, Medical Society
  • Vacant, UNM Health Sciences
  • Vacant, NENA
  • Vacant, Consumer Advocate
  • Vacant, NM Public Safety Representative
  • Vacant, NM Hospital Association

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Trauma Advisory and System Stakeholders Committee (TASSC)


The Trauma Advisory and System Stakeholders Committee (TASSC) is a standing subcommittee of the Statewide Emergency Medical Services Advisory Committee. TASSC is comprised of representatives from Regional Trauma Advisory Councils (RETRACS), professional organizations, hospitals, Indian health services, rehabilitation, injury prevention advocates, the health insurance industry, and other interested parties.

TASSC is by statute a subcommittee of the EMS Advisory Committee, which functions in an advisory capacity to the EMSB and RETRACS. TASSC works in collaboration with RETRACS to maximize access for all people in New Mexico to optimal and timely trauma care in an effort to decrease human suffering and cost associated with morbidity and mortality due to trauma. TASSC also works in collaboration with the EMSB to promote and maintain a financially viable and effective trauma care system.

Please see the EMS TASSC Organizational Guidelines publication to learn more.

Next Meeting

To be announced.

Signin Sheets


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Trauma Performance Improvement Committee (TPIC)


Pursuant to NMAC 7.27.2, the Trauma Advisory and Systems Stakeholder Committee (TASSC) has formed a sub-committee called the Trauma Performance Improvement Committee (TPIC).

This committee is the point of contact for EMS, hospital and statewide system performance improvement issues. It is comprised of nurses, physicians, and EMS personnel All performance reports are kept confidential and all meeting attendees are required to sign confidentiality agreements.

Please see the EMS RETRACS TPIC Introduction Letter for the forman introduction of this subcommittee.

Member Benefits

  • Participation in local and regional trauma system development.
  • Contributtion to the development and implementation of system-wide protocols.
  • Participation in the pre-hospital data collection system.
  • Affecting the potential for enhanced patient care and safety.
  • Identification of trends to coordinate injury prevention activities and identify issues at all levels of care.

Next Meeting

To be announced.




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Trauma System Fund Authority (TSFA)


The TSFA is statutorily created by the forty-seventh Legislature Second Session 2006 in House Bill 266 as Trauma System Fund Authority Act, NMSA 1978 §§ 24-10B-7. The proceedings are subject to the Open Meetings Act, Section 11-15-1.1, NMSA 1978

The purpose of the TSFA and its standing subcommittees is to provide funding to sustain existing trauma centers, support the development of new trauma centers and develop a statewide trauma system in conjunction with and supported by the EMSB of the NMDOH epidemiology and response division, in carrying out the provisions of the Trauma System Fund Authority Act.

The current duties of the TSFA are as follows:

  1. Develop criteria by which distribution of funds to existing trauma centers and potential new centers will occur.
  2. Receive applications and determine and monitor the actual distribution of money from the fund that will support the development of a statewide system of trauma care.
  3. Oversee the department’s administration of the fund and the development of a trauma system.
  4. Report annually to the interim legislative health and human services committee and the legislative finance committee.
  5. Authority members elect a chair and other officers deemed appropriate.
  6. Ensure Authority’s actions are well communicated to and if at all possible coordinated with other existing or established committees addressing trauma care or system development issues.

Next Meeting

To be announced.








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Trauma Nurse Coordinator Forum (TNCF)

Next Meeting

To be announced.

Signin Sheets



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Regional Trauma Advisory Councils (RETRACS)

No information is currently available on RETRACS. Please check back later!

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Medical Direction Committee (MDC)

Due to unavailability at CNM-Workforce Training Center, the following are the details for the upcoming meeting of the Medical Direction Committee:

Next Meeting

To be announced




  • NMAC 7.27.3 — Medical Direction for Emergency Medical Services

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Licensing Commission

The EMS licensing commission was established by the EMS act pursuant to NMSA 1978 §§ 24-10B-5.1. Meetings are subject to the open meetings act, and EMSB serves as staff for them.

Click here for the 2021 EMS Licensing Commission Schedule


To be placed on the Commission’s agenda, contact Solange Pihut at 505-476-8246.


  • Provide a forum for the receipt of public comment regarding emergency medical services licensing matters.
  • Oversee the bureau’s licensing and enforcement functions.
  • Receive complaints, direct investigations and authorize the initiation of actions by the bureau regarding contemplated refusal to grant initial licensure and for disciplinary actions against licensees.
  • Grant waivers, for good cause shown, of regulations pertaining to licensure renewal.


The members are appointed by the secretary of health and are comprised of the following.

  • 3 EMTs representing each level of licensure.
  • 3 physicians who represent the New Mexico Medical Society and/or the ACEP.
  • 1 consumer (general public) representative.


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Steering Committee for Evidence Based Pre-Hospital Medicine

Identifying Evidence Based Best Practices for Emergency Medical Services

The EMS Bureau Chief will establish and oversee a steering committee to investigate the medications and procedures in the current New Mexico Scope of Practice, as well as procedures and medications not currently in the Scope. The goal will be to establish a list of medications and procedures that are supported in the medical literature as beneficial to the population served by each specific licensure level, as well as to establish what medications, skills, and procedures for each specific licensure level are not supported by the medical literature. From this process a Scope of Practice will be developed that will better benefit the patients we serve.

Literature searches will be completed and the Steering Committee will review and summarize the articles, citing evidence in support and the evidence that is not supporting of the medication or procedure in question.

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