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Emergency Medical Services Agency Certification


The Emergency Medical Systems Bureau (EMSB) has administers the the certification of emergency medical service agencies in accordance with the NMAC 7.27.10 regulation. We refer to this as the Certification of Medical Rescue Program, as these are primarily the services to which this regulation applies.

In addition to medical rescues, Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) agencies and special event EMS agencies (movie sets, public event stand-by, and others) are subject to this regulation.

Any agency subject to this rule must receive a certification from the EMSB. A certification from the bureau indicates that the agency has met the standard set forth in the regulation.

We are confident that the vast majority of agencies currently operating already meet these standards, and the EMSB is committed to working with EMS agencies to assure the standards are achieved. Please remember that non-compliance with the regulation may result in a loss of eligibility for fund act monies, as well as other action.

Application Form

All New Mexico EMS applications are now available online at EMS Agency Certification

Emergency Medical Rescue Programs

Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD)