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Air Quality Program

We all desire clean air to breathe. Air pollutants can aggravate existing heart and lung conditions. Air pollution damages plant life and can result in lower yields of crops.

Air pollution has been linked to a number of health problems, such as asthma, Heart Attack and Air Quality, allergies, and breathing problems among others.

The New Mexico Environmental Public Health Tracking Network and the National Environmental Public Health Tracking Program at the CDC work closely with the Environmental Protection Agency to provide Air Quality Index on the EPHT Network and to better understand how air pollution affects our health. On these air quality pages you will find information and data about ozone and particulate matter and the kinds of problems these can cause for our health.

As part of our Environmental Public Health Tracking, we are looking for connections between Air Quality Data and chronic disease data. One of our current studies compares Heart Attack and Air Quality.

What is Air Quality?

Air quality refers to the condition of the air that surrounds us. Indoor Air Quality refers to the condition of the air inside our homes, schools, work sites, and public buildings. Some research estimates that people can spend up to 90% of their time indoors.

Sources of indoor air pollution include dust, cigar and cigarette smoke, mold, combustion products (such as wood and oil for heating) and chemical emissions from cleaning and maintenance products, furnishings, building materials and floor coverings.

Radon and carbon monoxide are also an in indoor quality concern and exposure to these can have negative health outcomes.

Outdoor Air Quality

Outdoor Air Pollution may come from a variety of naturally occurring and man-made sources:

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