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New Mexico Council on Asthma

New Mexico Asthma Council is a coalition of organizations and advocates sharing a vested inter in reducing the burden of asthma in New Mexico. The asthma council works closely with the Asthma Control Program staff in developing strategic plans and where to focus programming in New Mexico.

Our Vision

Communities working together to improve the health and quality of life for New Mexicans with asthma.

Our Mission

To reduce asthma health disparities and improve the quality of life for all people with asthma in New Mexico by coordination statewide efforts, bring together community organizations and other to achieve sustainable changes in the environment, education, and quality of health as it relates to asthma.

Council Meetings

The Council meets on a quarterly basis and is open to anyone who is interested and can commit their time to the quarterly meetings. If you are interested please email Deyonne Sandoval.