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Home Divisions Health Improvement Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation Report Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation

Report Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation


The Division of Health Improvement (DHI) is moving to the Health Care Authority (HCA). Our current webpages have moved to the Official HCA Website. Please go there for all future DHI updates.

Reporting in Home and Community-Based Medicaid Waiver Programs

To make a report for any suspected abuse, neglect, or exploitation of adults 18 or older, including those enrolled in the Home and Community Based Medicaid Waiver programs including the Developmental Disabilities Waiver (DDW) MiVia Waiver Medically Fragile Waiver, and Supports Waiver providers must report any suspected abuse, neglect, or exploitation using the following number or electronic online system:

Call the Adult Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation Hotline at 800-445-6242.
File a report online

Reporting in Health Facilities

Consumers, Family Members, General Public

Call the Health Facility Complaints Hotline at 1-800-752-8649
Print & Fax/Mail
Health Facility Consumer Complaint Form (Fax number and mailing address are in the form)

Health Facilities

  1. File a report online via the Health Facility Reporting System
  2. Follow up
    Per the reporting regulations under NMAC, all licensed health care facilities shall conduct a complete investigation and report the actions taken and conclusions reached by the facility within five (5) days of discovery of the incident.

All health facilities must complete and submit a written Health Facility Complaint Investigation Five Day Follow-up Report Form to DHI Complaints Unit within 5 days from the date of the incident or the date of discovering the incident.

The brief narrative must include: a brief summary of the event, the conclusion of the event and what corrective actions were taken.

The 5 day follow up report can be sent:
Via by mail to DHI Complaints Unit, PO Box 26110, Santa Fe, NM 87505.
You may fax it to 888-576-0012