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Service Planning and Budgets


The Developmental Disabilities Supports Division (DDSD) is moving to the Health Care Authority (HCA). Our current webpages have moved to the Official HCA Website. Please go there for all future DDSD updates.

Service Planning and budget development start with person-centered thinking, planning and practice.   The Individual Service Plan (ISP) is the document that results from the planning process.  A budget with other required documents are gathered by the case manager who follows the appropriate submission process to obtain prior authorization so that services can be provided.

Individual Service Plan

The Individual Service Plan (ISP) is a person-centered plan based on an individual’s dreams, aspirations, and desired outcomes. The ISP includes services and supports necessary to achieve personal goals. The information gathered during the PCP process along with various assessments is used to create an ISP.

The ISP is compiled by the case manager and includes:

  • A current written picture of the individual that includes life experiences, strengths, gifts, preferences, relationships, work/volunteer history, and challenges;
  • Depiction of the individual’s life at present time;
  • The individual's dreams and aspirations, long-term visions and desired outcomes;
  • Supports and action plans sufficient to assist the individual to achieve desired outcomes;
  • Medical, therapy and crisis plans needed to support not only desired outcomes, but also existing health, behavioral health, and therapy needs identified by the team to promote health, safety and quality of life, and
  • Individual specific training requirements for team members to ensure the individual receives services from qualified staff.

Prior Authorization and Case Manager Toolkit

The case manager is responsible for submitting the Individual Service Plans (ISP), the budget forms and any other necessary documentation for service and budget approval.

The DD Waiver Program has a variety of information and resources to support an individual’s team to guide service delivery and promote the health and safety of the individuals.

Code of Ethics

Allocation and Annual LOC Submissions

Individual Service Plan


Monthly Site Visits

DD Waiver Service Standards

Case Management Directors Meetings

Case Management Agency Directors attend a mandatory meeting each quarter to get updates and clarification on important DD Waiver Program Information.