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Services & Supports


The Developmental Disabilities Supports Division (DDSD) is moving to the Health Care Authority (HCA). Our current webpages have moved to the Official HCA Website. Please go there for all future DDSD updates.

Available Services

The available Supports Waiver services to mix and match based on need within an annual budget allotment established by the waiver program per participant:

  • Assistive Technology*
  • Behavior Support Consultation
  • Customized Community Supports-Group
  • Customized Community Supports-Individual
  • Employment Supports
  • Environmental Modifications*
  • Personal Care
  • Non-Medical Transportation
  • Respite
  • Vehicle Modifications*

Community Supports Coordinator

Each Support Waiver participant will also select a Community Supports Coordinator (CSC) who will assist them in selecting their services as well as guide, educate and monitor waiver participation. If a Supports Waiver participant is interested in changing their CSC agency the DDSD regional office in their region will assist with the change.

Service Delivery Models

A Supports Waiver participant will have the choice to access Support Waiver services through Agency Based Services or a Participant Directed Services.

Agency Based Service Delivery

When you choose to have Supports Waiver services provided through the agency-based model, the CSC will help you get information about the agencies that provide Supports Waiver services.

Provider Selection

Approved Supports Waiver Agencies are listed on the Secondary Freedom of Choice form. A Provider Selection Guide to help you with selecting a provider. If you are interested in enrolling as a Supports Waiver Provider, more information is available from DDSD Provider Enrollment

Participant Directed Service Delivery

You can also choose to have Supports Waiver services provided through a participant-directed model. You will either be your own employer for your services or select an Employer of Record.

Employer of Record (EOR)

The EOR is in charge of hiring, firing, directing and ensuring training of employee and vendors and completing administrative duties. Being an EOR is an important responsibility. An EOR will need training and time to dedicate to the job. There are supports available to assist an EOR and an EOR GuideBook to reference. If you are not your own EOR, your EOR must work with you to make sure your choices and input are honored. Your CSC can provide you an EOR Readiness Checklist to help with your decisions.

Employer of Record Tool Kit

  • Employer of Record Guide Draft
  • Employer of Record Questionnaire
  • Employer of Record Readiness Checklist (coming soon)
  • DDSD Training Hub
  • Provider Selection Guide
  • Contact HSD
  • Supports Waiver Individual Service Plan (ISP) V2

  • Supports Waiver Service Standards

    Supports Waiver Service Standards (Effective 2020-09-01) include useful program information as well as a description of approved services and provider qualifications and requirements. Training requirements can also be found here; Requirements by Job Classification please view: