Harm Reduction Section
The Harm Reduction Section works to reduce substance-related harm while enhancing individual, family, and community wellness. We strive to accomplish this work by providing individuals who use substances services in a culturally respectful and responsive manner.
About Us
- Educate participants on how potential harm associated with substance use and other related activities can be reduced. This includes:
- Transmission of bloodborne infections such as Hepatitis C and HIV
- Physical injury such as abscesses and damage to veins
- Other diseases such as endocarditic and septicemia
- Reducing overdose death
- Facilitate access to other health-related services including traditional preventive and primary medical care, as well as alternative healthcare resources.
- Direct and refer participants to additional substance use treatment programs when requested.
- Link participants to behavioral health care and social services such as housing, counseling services, benefit programs, and other supportive services.
- Support participants by providing professional and evidence-based services.
- Safer use equipment including new and sterile injecting, smoking, and inhalation supplies.
- Overdose prevention training.
- Naloxone, fentanyl test strip, and xylazine test distribution.
- Home delivery supply-services and overdose prevention training (in some areas).
- Community health and social service referrals.
- Primary medical care referrals and direct service.
- Assistance with food support, substance use treatment, clothing, and housing.
- Training for law enforcement regarding overdose prevention education and harm reduction programs.
- Provide syringes to people who use insulin if they cannot otherwise afford or obtain them.
Who We Serve
- People who use substances
- Commercial sex workers
- Men who have sex with men
- Individuals experiencing homelessness/housing insecurity
- Individuals who have been recently incarcerated
The Hepatitis and Harm Reduction Program offers a variety of resources on harm reduction and overdose prevention that are available for download. A full list of resources in English and Spanish are available on NMHarmReduction.org. Please do not alter any of these resources.
Program Information
Harm Reduction Program Overview
Harm Reduction
Overdose Prevention
Where to Find Naloxone in New Mexico
Mail Order Naloxone
Naloxone is available to order online directly to your home at no cost to you through NMHarmReduction.org. Naloxone is an FDA approved, over the counter medication that reverses the symptoms of an opioid overdose Additional resources and information on harm reduction and overdose prevention, including how to administer naloxone are also available.
New Mexico Harm Reduction Mailing List
To join the New Mexico Harm Reduction List-serve for updates about the program, Please send an email with "Subscribe" in the Subject line (without quotes) to nm-harm-reduction+subscribe@googlegroups.com. Then, follow the instructions sent by email to confirm joining the List-serve.
Additional Group Email Addresses
- Subscribe: nm-harm-reduction+subscribe@googlegroups.com
- Post Message: nm-harm-reduction@googlegroups.com

Resource Guide
To find a harm reduction, syringe exchange or overdose prevention (Narcan) program near you, visit our HIV/STD/Hepatitis Resource Guide.
This valuable community based website offering resources and information about services related to HIV, STDs, Viral Hepatitis, and Harm Reduction.
It features a searchable guide that will help you find the best and most appropriate services in your area.
Recent Activity
News Articles
- Fentanyl Awareness Day highlights overdose prevention (May 1, 2024)
- State program uncovers xylazine in fentanyl samples (April 29, 2024)
- Critical enhancement to Harm Reduction Act heads to Governors desk (February 15, 2022)
- Decrease in Drug Overdose Death Rate in New Mexico (September 3, 2014)
- Improvement in National Ranking for Drug Overdose Deaths (December 28, 2017)
- Governor Martinez Announces Continued Improvement in Drug Overdose Death Rankings (December 21, 2018)