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Pregnancy Risk Assessment and Monitoring System

What is PRAMS?

Logo for the Pregnancy Risk Assessment and Monitoring SystemThe New Mexico Pregnancy Risk Assessment and Monitoring System (NM PRAMS) surveys new mothers to improve maternal and infant health. The New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH) and the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conduct this project.

The survey asks mothers about their experiences, attitudes, and behaviors before, during and shortly after pregnancy. NM PRAMS started with July 1997 births.

What is our Methodology?

NM PRAMS samples over 2,000 new mothers each year. A computer chooses names at random from live birth certificates. Participation in PRAMS is voluntary. Approximately 70% of sampled mothers respond to NM PRAMS. Mailed questionnaires are the primary mode of response. Telephone interviewers call mothers who do not respond by mail.

For the survey questions or details about PRAMS operations and methods, see the appendix of our surveillance report.

How Do We Use the Data?

NM PRAMS informs policy makers, healthcare providers and the public about health of New Mexico mothers and infants. PRAMS data are useful for making decisions about healthcare services, programs and policies.

What is Our Privacy Policy?

We observe strict rules, defined by CDC protocols, to protect confidentiality and security. Names and survey responses are not matched.

We use identifying information only for PRAMS survey operations (mailings and telephone interviews). Only NM PRAMS staff may access personal identifiers (names, addresses).

PRAMS Facebook Page

Help Us Grow Strong study (formerly TOTS, New Mexico Toddler Study, PRAMS-2)

Logo for the Help Us Grow Strong Survey

What is HUGS?

The New Mexico Help Us Grow Strong (NM HUGS) study is a research project sponsored by the New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH). The purpose of the study is to learn about the health and experiences of mothers and their infants after the early postpartum period through their second year. The goal of the follow up survey to Pregnancy Risk Assessment and Monitoring System (PRAMS) is to improve the health and well-being of women and toddlers. The way we work to achieve this goal is by using the data collected by PRAMS and NM HUGS to impact policies and programs that touch the lives of New Mexico families, women, and children.

What is our Methodology?

The NM HUGS project has modeled its survey methodology after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)-developed PRAMS project. The NM HUGS survey system collects data through a combination of three methods: mail, online, and phone. Primary data collection is conducted by mail and online surveys. To ensure a higher, more representative response rate, there is a telephone follow up interview conducted by NM HUGS staff.

How Do We Use the Data?

NM HUGS informs policy makers, healthcare providers and the public about health of New Mexico toddlers. NM HUGS data are useful for making decisions about healthcare services, programs, and policies.

What is Our Privacy Policy?

We observe strict rules, defined by CDC protocols, to protect confidentiality and security. Names and survey responses are not matched. We use identifying information only for NM HUGS survey operations (mailings and telephone interviews). Only NM HUGS staff may access personal identifiers (names, addresses).

Reports & Surveys

This includes an executive summary and more detailed reports with the public health context of PRAMS data and actions. Each topic includes a multi-year table and detailed tables.

Because we must wait until the birth year ends and send our files to CDC for processing, we cannot provide surveillance report data until at least two years after each birth year.

Contact us at our email address or call 505-476-8895 if you need the most recent data or need a printed copy of the entire surveillance report.

















Interactive Data

This module on the IBIS website allows you to query the PRAMS dataset.  First select a report based on health insurance coverage, before pregnancy factors, during pregnancy factors, after pregnancy factors, and infant factors.  Then customize the report by specifying filter criteria such as indicators, period, mother’s characteristics, infant birth characteristics, how to display the data, and more.Our interactive Pregnancy Risk Assessment and Monitoring System Data Query is available for you to use online.

This module on the IBIS website allows you to query the PRAMS dataset. First select a report based on health insurance coverage, before pregnancy factors, during pregnancy factors, after pregnancy factors, and infant factors. Then customize the report by specifying filter criteria such as indicators, period, mother’s characteristics, infant birth characteristics, how to display the data, and more.


The CDC PRAMS project in Atlanta, Georgia provides funding and technical support through the Cooperative Agreement U50/CCU613632.

Other funders include the NMDOH in partnership with the New Mexico Title V Maternal and Child Health grant; the Family Preservation and Support Project of the New Mexico Children, Youth, and Families Department; and the Medical Assistance Division of the New Mexico Human Services Department.

The NM PRAMS steering committee consists of members from the community and NMDOH.