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Office of Policy and Accountability (OPA)

The Office of Policy and Accountability (OPA) coordinates agency-wide best practices that are for the betterment of the department and the services it provides. OPA primarily connects to the NMDOH goal to pursue organizational excellence, which it achieves by taking on the important miscellaneous departmental activities that no other division has the mandate to do.

OPA continually promotes and incorporates divisional ownership and participation in things such as:

Planning and Assessment

Planning and Assessment

The consistent application of key components provides a blueprint for a nationally recognized and accredited health department. The interlocking planning, assessment and operational components provide standards and measures that ensure a health department’s ability to deliver the ten essential public health services and sets the context for organizational excellence.

Logo graphic for the public health accreditation board.

Public Health Accreditation

Accreditation provides a framework for a health department to identify performance improvement opportunities, to improve management, develop leadership, and improve relationships with the community.

Quality Improvement

Quality Improvement

Quality improvement is the use of deliberate and defined improvement processes, such as Plan-DO-Check-Act, that promote continuous and ongoing efforts to achieve measurable improvements in efficiency, effectiveness, performance, accountability, and outcomes.

Performance Management System

Performance Management System

The Performance Management System (PMS) monitors and shows progress toward expected, targeted, programmatic outcomes. The NMDOH system ties to a statewide Performance-Based Budgeting requirement as well as establishes an agency-wide design that has its foundation in a commitment to excellence.

Workforce Development

Workforce Development

Workforce development helps create, sustain, and retain a viable and competent public health workforce.

Health Equity

Health Equity

The Office of Health Equity strives to provide equitable health opportunities by building relationships with communities, establishing collaborations with care providers and forging partnerships with stakeholders to provide quality services in a culturally and linguistically appropriate manner.

OPA’s 25-Year Vision: Transformation

In 2045, OPA serves as a model of systemic change that has transformed the New Mexico Department of Health by:

  • Promoting health equity
  • Driving a culture of quality
  • Ensuring a competent workforce
  • Obtaining organizational excellence

Vision for the Plan (2021—2023): Focus

By the year 2024, OPA will have:

  • Defined the vision for health equity across the Department of Health. OPA serves as the convenor and elevates conversations around building a more equitable New Mexico.
  • Broadened its reach and influence through its supportive role in training, quality improvement, performance management, workforce development, and accreditation.
  • Communicated its story—and the impacts it has on the work of the Department of Health — through outreach, communications, and policy.
  • Moved toward sustainability by facilitating alignment of institutional knowledge and infrastructure supports.

Strategic Imperatives

Strategic imperatives are those items that are so foundational to the plan and achieving OPA’s vision, that they serve as the basis for the planning cycle and are woven throughout the goals and all the objectives.

Strategic Imperatives

Strategic Plan Goals

Building on its strengths and core competencies, over the next three years, OPA will focus on five goals:

Strategic Plan Goals

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