Children’s Medical Services
Welcome to Children’s Medical Services. We are the go-to for families who have a child or youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN). Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs means an individual younger than 21 years old, experiencing a moderate to severe medical condition:
- With significant potential or actual impact on long term health and ability to function
- Which requires specialized health care services and/or a variety of services from multiple diverse systems.
How Can We Help?
Services for CYSHCN birth to 21 years of age:
- Care coordination for children and their family.
- Access to Multidisciplinary Pediatric Specialty Clinics.
- Care for children with a genetic condition.
- Follow-up care for children who are deaf or hard of hearing.
For those who meet financial and medical eligibility guidelines:
- Payment for medical services, procedures, medications, and supplies.
- Payment of premiums, deductibles and co-pays for the New Mexico Medical Insurance Pool.
- Payment for diagnostic services and care coordination.
If you have questions about eligibility or for more information, see our CMS Brochure, CMS Brochure (Spanish), or contact your local Children's Medical Services office. Please see our CMS Contact Information document for a list of locations.
Visit the Families or Providers section for more specific information, tools, and resources.
Pediatric Specialty Clinics
We host over 130 pediatric outreach clinics for CYSHCN including: Cleft Lip and Palate, Neurology, Endocrine, Nephrology, Genetics, Metabolic, Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Cystic Fibrosis and Asthma. We work with UNM hospital and other local specialty providers to help you access care if you live in a rural part of the state.
- All children and youth seen at the Children's Medical Services pediatric specialty outreach clinics need to be enrolled in the Children's Medical Services program
- All children and youth must have a Primary Care Provider referral to the specialty clinic. After the clinic, Children's Medical Services staff will collect the medical report/recommendations and will make sure that your Primary Care Provider receives this report.
- Providers, if a child or youth may need the opportunity to be seen at a Children's Medical Services Pediatric Specialty clinic, please refer the family using our CMS Telephone Referral Form as soon as possible. Children's Medical Services clinics fill up quickly.
Learn More
Please visit the following websites to learn more.
- New Mexico Behavioral Health Services Search
- Find Resources by County
- New Mexico Disability-Related Resource Search
- Aging & Disability Resource Center
- New Mexico Community and Social Services Resource Directory
- United Way of Central New Mexico
- Family Infant Toddler Program
- Child Find
- Parents Reaching Out
- New Mexico Medical Home Portal
- National Center for Medical Home Implementation
- Women, Infants and Children
- Education for Parents of Indian Children with Special Needs
- School-to-Work Program
Recent Activity
News Articles
- State agencies collaborate with UNM Hospital to offer universal nursing visits for newborns and their families (December 7, 2022)
- Department of Health Recognizes ‘Newborn Screening Awareness Month’ (September 5, 2017)
- Heart Disease Screening for Newborns (July 28, 2014)
- Newborn Screening Test Refusal - Form (Form)
- NEW Specimen Collection Card Exchange Process and Ordering (Help)
- CMS Brochure (Spanish) (Marketing)
- Newborn Screening Test Information (Help)
- Newborn Screening Practitioner's Manual (Help)
- CMS Brochure (Marketing)
- Folleto de Servicios Médicos para Niños (Spanish Version)
- Newborn Bloodspot Collection 2024 - Training Webinar
- Birthing Centers, Hospitals, Midwife Practices Training and Discussion
- Newborn Genetic Screening blood Collection presentation