An executive overview of the Title V Block Grant in English
An executive overview of the Title V Block Grant in Spanish
Eligible Provider Syndromic Surveillance Onboarding Memo
The information in this section is intended to provide public notice of disciplinary actions taken by the New Mexico Department of Health and the Emergency Medical Systems Bureau. Note that there may be various actions that are still in process, but have not yet been completed due to the administrative process.
Medical Cannabis 2019 Plant Count Increase
Civil Money Penalty Project Funding List
Civil Money Penalty Project Tracking List
The American board of forensic toxicology hereby declares that this board’s standards for laboratory accreditation have been fulfilled and the other requirements of this board have been met and therefore grants this certificate of laboratory accreditation in forensic toxicology to the New Mexico Department of Health Scientific Laboratory Division’s toxicology bureau.
This document provides the cost estimate of purchasing vaccine for privately insured children in New Mexico.
This is the list of NM Statewide Immunization Information System Data Exchange locations.
General Events Reporting and Appendix B
Quality Improvement Plan and Key Performance Indicators
This is the Family Supports and Reimbursement Program Information Sheet.
The Food and Drug Administration’s laboratory proficiency and evaluation team certifies that the New Mexico Department of Health Scientific Laboratory’s milk laboratory is at full accreditation.
Environmental Modification includes the purchase or installation of equipment and/or making
This document contains the full list of districts that received funds from the New Mexico-Grown Local Produce Grant.
This document covers what the flu is, prevention, symptoms, and treatment.
Gastrointestinal (GI) Outbreaks Toolkit for Long Term Care Facilities (LTCF)
This assessment tool was developed to assist hospitals in revising and updating existing disaster plans or in the development of new plans.